My Artworks

Hello All,

Good Day To You!
I am Nadine Jeanneton, an Artist and an Art Teacher from Mauritius. In Year 2007, my works and Collection 'Emotions and Colors' were displayed at the United Nations in New York. My first Solo Exhibition took place at the Alliance Francaise of Mauritius in Year 2006. From there on, other exhibitions in which I participated took place at local galleries throughout the Island of Mauritius.

In Year 2010, an International Exhibition during which myself and various artists from around the world participated, took place at the Blythe Brother's Co. Ltd. In Port-Louis, Mauritius.

I can be contacted at this email address:

I take orders based on special requests. You may choose your Theme, Colors and Subject you would like for me to reproduce. I work on any types of Medium.

My Fan Page on Facebook is at this link:
Please follow my other Blog on "Artist from Mauritius" at this Link:


Please take a moment and view all of my products displayed on My Online Store.
Besides the Artworks and Crafts that you will see on Display in the Store, I also take orders based on your preferences, taste and needs.
Thank You for taking the Time To View My Store Online:

Friday, August 5, 2011

International Call for Artists

Am so excited as I will now enter contests to showcase my artworks!

Wish me good luck.

I can still be reached at:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Exotic Art on Environment, Nature and Women's Expressions from Mauritius: Art from Mauritius: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'

Exotic Art on Environment, Nature and Women's Expressions from Mauritius: Art from Mauritius: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'

Mauritian Art: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'

My Collection 'Batik on Paper' with the Theme 'Colors and Emotions'

Art from Mauritius: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'

Evolving Artist from Mauritius, Nadine Jeanneton's Statement: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'

Unique Art from Mauritian Artist, Nadine Jeanneton: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'

Unique Art from Artist from Mauritius, Nadine Jeanneton

Art from Mauritius: Art from Mauritius: Preview: My Unique Collection 'Batik on Paper'